Exit Policy
Ensuring Orderly and Secure Exits
To ensure orderly and secure exits from the Society premises, the following guidelines are established for residents, tenants, visitors, and service providers:
1. Resident Exit:
- Residents are free to leave the Society premises at any time.
- Security guards may verify the identity of individuals leaving if deemed necessary for safety or security purposes.
- Residents are encouraged to inform security guards if they plan to leave the premises for an extended period.
- Guards are strictly instructed to ensure that underage children are not allowed to exit the Society premises unaccompanied under any circumstances.
2. Tenant Exit:
- Tenants planning to vacate a flat must provide prior written intimation to the Society office.
- Before vacating, tenants must ensure that:
- All dues, including maintenance, parking charges, and other Society fees, are cleared.
- The refundable security deposit, if applicable, will be processed after verification of payments and no damage to Society property.
- Tenants are required to coordinate with the Society office for a smooth exit process.
3. Visitor Exit:
- Visitors must ensure that their exit is recorded in the security logbook at the gate.
- Visitors must remove their vehicles from visitor parking spaces before leaving.
4. Service Providers (Maids, Drivers, Delivery Agents, etc.):
- Service providers must exit the Society premises promptly after completing their work.
- Security guards may verify their identity during exit to ensure no unauthorized access or activity.
5. Contractors and Workers:
- Contractors and workers must leave the premises by 6:00 PM, unless prior written permission is obtained from the Society office.
- It is the responsibility of the flat owner or resident to ensure contractors and workers adhere to the rules.
6. Vehicle Exit:
- Vehicles must stop at the security gate for verification if instructed by the security guard.
- Unauthorized vehicles will not be allowed to leave the premises unless approved by the Society office.
7. Handover of Society Property:
- Residents or tenants vacating a flat must ensure that any Society property in their possession, such as parking stickers, access cards, or ID cards, is returned to the Society office.
8. Emergency Exit:
- In case of an emergency, such as a medical situation or fire, the security guards will prioritize the swift exit of residents and emergency service vehicles.
- Residents are advised to cooperate with the security team during such situations.
9. Security Check and Documentation:
- Security guards are authorized to conduct checks on belongings or vehicles during exit to ensure that no unauthorized items or Society property are being taken out without approval.
- Any such incidents must be immediately reported to the Society office.
10. Outstanding Payments:
- Residents or tenants vacating the premises with outstanding payments must clear their dues before leaving.
- The Society reserves the right to withhold refunds or deposits until all payments are cleared.
11. Late Night Exit:
- Residents and visitors exiting the premises after 10:00 PM must ensure minimal noise to avoid disturbing others.
- Security guards may conduct additional checks during late hours to ensure safety.
By following these rules, we can ensure a secure and organized exit process for everyone. Your cooperation is appreciated in maintaining the safety and harmony of our Society.